Artículos de Revistas Indexadas

 Artículos en Journals (INDEXADOS) 

  1. Vladimir Villarreal, Ramón Hervás, Jesus Fontecha and Jose Bravo. Mobile Monitoring Framework to Design Parameterized and Personalized m-Health Applications According to the Patient’s Diseases. Journal of Medical Systems (IF 2014/2015): 2.213, Volume 39, Issue 10, Agosto 2015, Doi: 10.1007/s10916- 015-0324-1, SSN: 0148-5598 (Print) 1573-689X (Online).
  2. Ramón Hervás,  Jose Bravo, Jesus Fontecha and Vladimir Villarreal. Achieving Adaptive Augmented Reality through Ontological Context-Awareness applied to AAL ScenariosJournal of Universal Computer Science (ISI-JCR IF:0.762 Q3). September 2013; 19(9): 1334-1349. Doi: 10.3217/jucs-019-01, Volumen: 19, no. 9    pp 1334            -1349.
  3. Autores: Vladimir Villarreal, Jesus Fontecha, Ramón Hervás  and Jose Bravo. Mobile and Ubiquitous architecture for medical control of chronic diseases through intelligent devices: Using the architecture for patient with diabetes. Future Generation Computer Systems (IF 2012): 1.978, Volumen: 34, pp: 161-175, Mayo 2014, Doi:, ISSN: 0167-739X.
  4. Autores: José Bravo, Vladimir Villarreal, Ramón Hervás and Gabriel Urzaiz. Using a Communication Model to Collect Measurement Data through Mobile Devices. Journal of Sensors - (IF 2011): 1.739 Volumen: 12, pp: 9253-9272, 2012. Doi: 10.3390/s120709253.