Ponencias y Publicaciones en Conferencias

  • J. Cervantes, G. Espinosa and V. Serrano, "Design and 3D printing of signs with Braille system," 2023 VI Congreso Internacional en Inteligencia Ambiental, Ingeniería de Software y Salud Electrónica y Móvil (AmITIC), Cali, Colombia, 2023, pp. 1-5, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10366366

  • V. Serrano, V. Villarreal, L. Muñoz, K. Tsakalis, "A proposed STEM program to make institutions more inclusive for people with visual and physical disabilities in Panama", 2023 IEEE Latin American Electron Devices Conference (LAEDC), Puebla, Mexico, 2023, pp. 1-4. Disponible en: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10209135
  • D. Price and V. Serrano, "Co-Simulation as a Resource for the Control of a Buck Converter", 2019 7th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference (IESTEC), Panama, Panama, 2019, pp. 550-555. Disponible en: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8943588

  • V. Serrano and K. Tsakalis, “A Study on the On-line System Identification and PID Tuning of a Buck Converter”, in “Proceedings of 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control”, Mexico City, Mexico, April 28-30, 2016, pp. 1–5 Disponible en: /sites/default/files/docente/317/07479008.pdf

  • V. Serrano, M. Thompson and J. Aldaco, K. Tskalis, A. Rodriguez, “Building a Lego EV3 Snake to Improve the STEM Education of 12th Graders in Panama,” Proceedings of the 14th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January 3rd – 7th, 2016, pp. 1451-1460. Disponible en http://www.hiceducation.org/EDU2016.pdf

  • M. Thompson, V. Serrano, D. Ixtabalan, V. Garcia, A. Godinez, A. Rodriguez, K. Tskalis, “Building a Mechanical Flapping Bird and Arduino Robotic Cars for Educating Youths in 7th, 8th and 9th Graders at Arizona State University,” Proceedings of the 14th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January 3rd – 7th, 2016, pp. 2203-2220. Disponible en http://www.hiceducation.org/EDU2016.pdf

  • V. Serrano and K. Tsakalis, "System Identification and PID Tuning of a Buck Converter", SHPE RISE Symposia, Baltimore, November 15th, 2015.

  • V. Serrano; M. Thompson, K. Tsakalis, “Multivariable Controller Design of a Lego Mindstorm NXT Robotic Arm”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 7-8 2015, pp. 186-1 to 186-9. Disponible en http://avestia.com/CDSR2015_Proceedings/papers/186.pdf

  • V. Serrano; M. Thompson, J. Aldaco, X. Lu, Z. Lin, K. Tsakalis, "Understanding Manufacturing Equipment Through the Use of a Lego Mindstorms Robotic Arm", GPSA Interdisciplinary Research Symposium, Arizona, March 17th, 2015.